The Mars Brain and The Venus Brain

Grand day,

Hope all is well with you and yours. Today I am giving thanks for appreciating the Mars and Venus Brain. Growing up I thought my Mother just like to hear herself talk. After paying with backhands for expressing that thought I learned to keep that to myself. Not until I got married and received this book: Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, that I knew Mom’s wasn’t totally crazy. Before I read the book, I thought was just for married couples, once I read, I realized it’s for all humans. The first thing I grasp from Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, is that we as men and women have one thing in common. We are human. From our mental we operate from two opposite ends of the spectrum. This is why our relationships remain difficult until we grasp this. 

When I am dealing with a problem or building on my journey, I go into my mental cave. It makes all the sense to me, to figure out what I’m dealing with, deal with it and maybe talk about it after. I came to realize this did not work for the women in my life. They needed me to communicate my process, which was totally foreign to me, until I read this book. I believed figuring out then handling my issue was enough. I found out that communicating the process to the women in my life was part of the journey, with balance. 

Another fact that I received from Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, is we as men want to fix or solve things. When women, even when they express something that we perceived needs to be fixed or solved, just want to be heard. 

I suggest you read Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus or least check out John Gray’s Ted Talk on YouTube: Mars brain, Venus brain: John Gray at TEDxBend (

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