Grand day,
Hope all is well with you and yours. Today I am giving thanks for the awareness of stress being perceived as real, but not real. I came across this book by Dr. Wayne Dyer – Being in Balance – 9 Principles for Creating Habits to Match Your Desires. In one chapter he makes the point of stress not being real, like cancer, diabetes or other diseases. You are not able to cut it out and analyze it. But it’s very real to large portion of our population. Most studies I have seen say between 50% – 60% of United States adults report dealing with illnesses related to stress. I myself have and still do deal with stress, with my awareness but have learn to minimize the damage caused.
The best way, I have learned is letting go and letting The All. Next was, talking to someone. If you can get a professional great, if not find someone you can confide in. Other ways that have been helpful: meditation, exercise (especially walking and/or running) positive affirmations and reading. Give thanks and let’s minimize the stress.